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“2009 Nanjing International Technology Transfer Conference, Biomedical R&D and innovation in cooperation with CRO” will be held on September 3rd, 2009 and be undertaken by Nanjing Pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization (NCRO)....
  About Us  
  Nanjing Pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization (NCRO) is a non-profit social organization which is engaged in pharmaceutical contract (CRO) research outsourcing. ...  
ZN.TING Healthy Centre 2009/5/26
JiangSu Biotechnology Park 2009/5/26
Nanjing Core Tech Co. Ltd., 2009/5/25
e-Therapeutics plc 2009/5/25
Acesys Pharmatech 2009/5/25
Nanjing Baijingyu Pharmaceutical C… 2009/5/25
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 Technical platforms
Target Identification  
Target Validation  
Discovery and optimization for leading compo…  
Activity screening for leading compound  
Pharmacodynamics research of new drugs  
Preparation research of new drugs  
Pharmacological and safety study of new drug…  
Clinical development and applications and re…  
platform of biological activity evaluation  
platform of formulations  
Platform of analysis for drug and metabolite…  
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